WonderPen Help


In order to improve writing efficiency, WonderPen has shortcut keys for common operations. The following are some commonly used shortcut keys.

Interface shortcuts

Actions Shortcuts (Windows/Linux) Shortcuts (Mac)
Focus/Toggle Tree Panel Ctrl + 1 + 1
Focus/Toggle Info Panel Ctrl + 2 + 2
Toggle Composition Mode Alt + Ctrl + F Alt + + F
Toggle Preview Mode Alt + Ctrl + P Alt + + P
Open Settings Panel Alt + Ctrl + S + ,
Lock Screen Shift + Ctrl + L Shift + + L
Zoom In Ctrl + + + +
Zoom out Ctrl + - + -
Zoom Restore Ctrl + 0 + 0

Directory shortcuts

The directory tree is the leftmost panel of the main interface, which is used to display the directory structure of documents and whiteboards. It has three states: collapsed, expanded (with focus), and expanded (without focus) , press the shortcut key Ctrl + 1 ( + 1 on macOS) to switch between three states, the three states as shown in the figures below:

Directory: collapsed
Directory: expanded (with focus)
Directory: expanded (without focus)

When the directory tree is in the expanded (with focus) state, there are the following additional shortcuts:

  • You can use the arrow keys , to move the focus up and down in the directory tree
  • Press enter to create a new document below the currently selected document
  • You can use the number keys 1, 2, 3 to switch between document, whiteboard, star in the directory tree if the panels are displayed horizontally.
Directory tree: press the number keys 1, 2, 3 to switch

Document related shortcuts

Actions Shortcuts (Windows/Linux) Shortcuts (Mac)
New Document Ctrl + N + N
New Document Above Shift + Ctrl + N Shift + + N
New Subdocument Alt + Ctrl + N Alt + + N
Demote Document Alt + Ctrl + ] Alt + + ]
Promote Document Alt + Ctrl + [ Alt + + [
Move Document Up Alt + Ctrl + Alt + +
Move Document Down Alt + Ctrl + Alt + +
Locate the Selected Document Ctrl + E + E

Edit related shortcuts

Editor component operations:

Actions Shortcuts (Windows/Linux) Shortcuts (Mac)
Editor Split Shift + Ctrl + \ Shift + + \
Format the Current Document (One-Click Formatting) Ctrl + G + G
Find and Replace Ctrl + F + F

Document editing operations (valid when the cursor is in the editor):

Actions Shortcuts (Windows/Linux) Shortcuts (Mac)
Select All Ctrl + A + A
Delete the current line Ctrl + D + D
Undo Ctrl + Z + Z
Redo Ctrl + Y
Shift + Ctrl + Z
+ Y
Shift + + Z
Go to beginning of paragraph Alt + Ctrl + A
Go to end of paragraph Alt + Ctrl + E
Increase indent Ctrl + ] + ]
Reduce indent Ctrl + [ + [
Delete to start of line - + Backspace
Delete to end of line - + Delete
Delete the character before the cursor - + H
Delete one character after the cursor - + D
Delete the character to the right of the cursor in the current paragraph - Ctrl + K
Swap the left and right characters of the cursor - Ctrl + T